Learn How To Decorate Rooms You'll LOVE
and Get All the Help You'll Need

Inside The Haven Design Lounge - Membership Group


"We listen to your needs! You'll have immediate answers from our
professional design team and the support of our entire community."

Here's what we do for you:

  • We're a private Facebook group specifically designed to help you get your project done and your questions answered on any budget.
  • You can ask questions in posts, pictures or videos. And get professional designer advice.
  • Need to find the perfect piece, or the right color combinations. We have tons of resources and answers. We'll give you links to find what you want.
  • We help you organize your week so you consistently move your project towards completion, ONE MINI-SUCCESS At-A-TIME! That's why we have Momentum Mondays and Celebration Fridays.
  • You get triple benefits:
    1. Professional decorating advice, delivered in our famous BFF style. (Best Friend Format).
    2. Plus you'll get input and support from our entire amazing community. (We're fun & informative!)

    3. And access to our "Busy Woman Insider Secrets Decorator Trainings." We call these "Quick win Wednesday’s."

Join The Design Lounge And Get Answers Today

We'll Make Sure You Make Progress with
Momentum Mondays and Celebration Fridays

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does it cost?
A: You have 2 options:
Month-To-Month Membership is only $37 a month
Our most popular option gives you 4 months free - when you invest in an annual membership for $297.
That makes it only $24.75 a month / 81¢ a day)

Q: Can I really get answers on weekends?
A: Absolutely. We know you're busy during the week. Us too! LOL.
We try to make sure one of us are always available.

Q: Do you offer Members any free trainings?
A: Yep, we do at least one insider secret training every month.

Q: Are the other benefits to being a member?
A: In addition to life-long friendships.
You'll also receive significant discounts on all our trainings and services.


What Our Members Say:

"Lyndsay and Wendy responded quickly to decorating and design questions.
Paying specific attention to everyone’s style, budget & timeline in a supportive and inviting manner.” –
Angela Jennings North Andover

Thank God for How We Haven. I have lived in my home for 12 years and have yet to re-decorate my office that very badly needs it.

I have a hard time visualizing a new space and layout and am so scared of making design mistakes.
How We Haven came into my life and simplified the whole process and I was finally able to confidently move forward with decisions for the re-design.

They really know how to help hone in the focus on your personal style, budget, and needs. I would highly recommend them to anyone who wants to work WITH someone rather than feeling pressured into someone else’s design style.

I'm confident this room will reflect my personality and style but it’s something I could not envision untilHow We Haven helped!" - Shannon H


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